Add Employees

Employees can be added two different ways– manually (you do the work) or via self-onboarding (they do the work). We recommend using self-onboarding to allow employees to complete their own paperwork and details.

Employee Self-Onboarding

  1. Click the Employees tab in the left navigation menu
  2. Click Add new employee 
  3. Add your employee’s details
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Date of Birth
    4. Email
    5. Location (work address)
    6. Department (optional)
    7. Title (optional)
    8. Compensation Type
    9. Hire Date
    10. The amount they will be paid
    11. How often they will be paid 
    12. Add Vacation policy 
      1. If no policy is created select N/A
    13. Add Sick Policy
      1. If no policy is created select N/A
  4. Click Save & Continue
  5. Your employee will quickly receive an email invitation to complete their personal, tax, & payment information and sign their I-9 & W-4. Once they are finished, their status will change from ‘Onboarding’ to ‘Active’ in the employee table.

Add Employee Details Manually

  1. Click the Employees tab in the left navigation menu
  2. Click Add new employee 
  3. Check the box “I prefer to add the employee’s details myself” 
  4. Complete the personal, tax, and payment information for your employee
  5. Click Save & Continue