Add Vacation or PTO Policy

Add a Vacation or PTO Policy. Symply saves you time by calculating accrued and used time. To give a live balance right now. PTO (aka Paid Time Off) is usually a combination of both Vacation and Sick (no longer needing a Sick Policy).

  1. Click the Time off tab in the left navigation menu
  2. Click on Get Started on Vacation Policy
    1. Name the Policy  
    2. Answer the following Questions
      1. Do you offer unlimited paid time off?
      2. When do they Start Earning?
      3. How with they Start Accruing?
        1. Fixed Amount earned all at once
          1. Enter Years of Service
          2. Total Per Year
        2. If Earned Over Time 
          1. Hours Worked
            1. Enter Years at Company
            2. Total Per Year (how many hours will they earn per hours worked)
          2. Pay Period
            1. Enter Years at Company
            2. Accrual Rate (how many hours earned per pay period)
  1. What are the Rules regarding when employees can use their Vacation or PTO hours?
    1. Answer the following Questions:
      1. Do you prorate paid time off hours? (only if accrual is by Fixed amount earned all at once)
      2. Is there a waiting period before employees can use their paid time off hours?
        1. If yes enter the amount of Days
      3. Is there a limit to the number of hours an employee can carry over into the next year?
        1. Enter Max Carryover Limit per Years of Service
      4. Is there a limit to the number of hours an employee can have at one time?  (example: the employee can accrue up to 40hrs at a time it cannot go over 40hrs but if they use 16hrs their balance is now 24hrs they can start accruing again until the balance max is met to 40hrs again)
      5. Is there a limit to the number of hours an employee can use in one year? (is there a cap on how many hours can be used?) 
      6. Require minimum hours per pay period? (only if accrual is by Hours Worked)
    2. Save and Continue
  2. Select all Employees that pertain to this accrual profile
    1. Save and Continue
  3. Enter Beginning Balances
    1. Enter if there has been an accrued balance (if none leave it as Zero)
    2. Enter if there has been used accrual hours (if none leave it as Zero)
    3. Save Policy.