Create and Manage Training Materials

Training Materials is a new feature that brings in the "training & learning" experience into Symply's Onboarding & Payroll App.

How to Create and Manage Training Materials

Click on the link above to watch a video on how to create and manage training materials.

  1. Log into your Symply Account
  2. Click on Documents on the left hand side
  3. Select Training Materials on the top
  4. Click on Start a Training on the top right corner
  5. You can upload a Video or Document 

If you selected Video:

  1. Enter the Training title and Video Link
  2. Click on Include the training in your Employee's onboarding
  3. Click Submit
  4. The Training Material has been created.
    1.  Click on Assign to select employees for this training
    2. Select each employee to assign the training material to them
    3.  Then Click on Submit
  5. Click Add/Edit Questions to add questions to a Training
    1. Enter the question and choices
    2. Select the correct choice by clicking the green check mark on the right.
    3. You can add a hint to each question
    4. Click on Add a New Question
    5. Click on Preview the questions added
    6. Click on Back
    7. Click on the Trash Can to delete a question
    8. Click on Continue to Confirm the deleted question
    9. When you are done adding and editing questions Click on Submit to save the questions
  6. You can also Click on Options to see what else you can do for each Training Material
    1. Select Material Settings to edit the settings for each training
    2. You can change the Setting to On or Off
      1. When on, the training material will be automatically assigned to all new employees during their onboarding.
  7. Select Attachments to add more documents within each Training
    1. Click to add an attachment
    2. Choose a file from your computer and upload
    3. Click on the green upload button to view the attachment in a new tab
    4. You can Click the Trash Can to delete an attachment

You can also delete a training material by clicking the Delete button on the Document page

            a.   Select Continue on the Warning pop up

If you Selected Document:

  1. Click on Start Training to look at how to upload documents as a training material.
    1. Select Upload Document
    2. Enter the Training Title
    3. Select Upload Link if the document has a shareable link, such as a google drive document
    4. Enter the document link and click Submit
    However, if it's a document saved in your computer
    1. Select Upload file
    2. Choose the file and upload
    3. Then Click Submit

Employees Account:

  1. Employee selects Training from the menu
  2. Employee can view all assigned trainings
    1. Select Complete Training
  3. The Employee can open the training document in another tab 
    1. By Selecting "Click here" next to Training Materials on top of the page
    2. Answer the question by selecting a choice under the Symply question
    3. The Employee can also open the training attachments in another tab
    4. Click Submit and Sign
    5. Type in your name (Employee) then Click on Save
  4. The status changes to Completed after the employee signs and submits the training
    1. The Employee can click to view the completed training
  5. Go back to Training Materials
  6. You can see the training has been completed 

Admins Account:

The Admin gets a notification on the dashboard when an employee completes a training

  1. You can click on the notification to view the training material completed by the employee
    1. You will see the training Completed
  2. All Done