Edit Job Settings

How to edit the settings of an active job

  1. Go to Post Jobs > Active Jobs
  2. Select the Job to be edited
  3. Select Edit > Edit Job Settings
  4. Edit the job settings:
    1. Job Name (this is the name the Applicants will see on the job description)
    2. Company Location (select from a dropdown list)
    3. Interview Scheduling
      1. Select Hiring Manager (select from a dropdown list)
      2. Select Calendar for Preferred Interview Slot Selection
        1. Symply Calendar
        2. External Calendar Scheduling Link (example: Google Calendar, Calendly …)
        3. No Interview Selection (Applicants who pass all vetting questions will not schedule an interview)
    4. Application Settings - How would you like candidates to apply for this job?
      1. Select either Webform, SMS or both
    5. When would you like to deactivate this job automatically?
      1. Enter a date. (on this date, the job would be deactivated)
    6. How many applications should be received before the job is deactivated?
      1. Enter a number. (after this number of applications is received, the hob would be deactivated
  5. Click “Save”