Create a Job

A job is made up of a connected Job Description template and an Application Form template. Create a job by selecting a job description template, and connecting it to an application form template. And vice versa.

After creating the Job Description Template and Application Form Template, follow these steps to create a job:

  1. Go to Create Jobs
  2. Select the Application Form Template or Job Description Template
  3. Click “Create Job”
  4. Click “Continue”
  5. Select the Application Form Template or Job Description Template
  6. Click “Continue”
  7. Enter the Following Fields:
    1. Job Name (this is the name the Applicants will see on the job description)
    2. Company Location (select from a dropdown list)
    3. Interview Scheduling
      1. Select Hiring Manager (select a user from a dropdown list. When the job is created the Hiring Manager receives an email notification stating they have been added to a job as the Hiring Manager)
      2. Select Calendar for Preferred Interview Slot Selection
        1. Symply Calendar 
        2. External Calendar Scheduling Link (example: Google Calendar, Calendly …)
        3. No Interview Selection (Applicants who pass all vetting questions will not schedule an interview)
  8. Application Settings
    1. How would you like candidates to apply for this job?
      1. Select either Webform, SMS or both
    2. When would you like to deactivate this job automatically?
      1. Enter a date. (on this date, the job would be deactivated)
    3. How many applications should be received before the job is deactivated?
      1. Enter a number. (after this number of applications is received, the hob would be deactivated
  9. Click “Create”
  10. The job is created and can be viewed in “Post Jobs”.